četrtek, 4. februar 2010

Urban dictionary

Dve razlage imena Sabina po Urban dictionaryju:

1.Bosnian bush wacker who brings people to their knees. One who hails from the country of Sukkalotadik.
Beautiful, yet strong. Never stand in a Sabina's way, or she will kick your ass, especially if you have gathered multiple STD's by having sex with many girls (i.e. Kaylees, Karis, etc.) Stunningly gorgeous, boys fall to their knees as a Sabina walks by begging for her approval. Few actually gain her approval, and the rest are shunned as though they're black and have AIDS.
Never fuck with a Sabina.

2.A true artist, amazing writer, she is beautiful, smart, cute, funny and a great friend. She will always listen to those who are not heard and offer help where ever help is needed.She is patient, loving, soft-spoken and a true angel.

Simpatično :)

1 komentar:

Urška pravi ...

Hahahaha...kake izjave imajo na tej strani...kolk sem se smejala :)
sem gledala če je mogoče tudi za Urska kaka razlaga...pa ni. Ampak sem potem pogledala pač za najbližjo možno povezavo, se pravi Ursula in khmmm...ja, smeh! :))